
Showing posts from December, 2019

Our Slithering friends on campus!

BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus is situated in an area such that it is exposed to snakes and many other reptiles. Synapsis is presenting you with some tips to recognize the campus snakes if you have not encountered them already.  We have gathered the pictures of snakes that the general body encountered at different places which were posted on BPHC Free Expression Group and we have checked them with the experts at an identification group of snakes and other reptiles.  The snakes we have encountered the most on our campus are:  1. Common Kukri snake (Oligodon arnensis) NON-VENOMOUS Found near CP Also knows as Banded Kukri KEY IDENTIFICATION FEATURES: Above- P ale brown or orange, with black crossbands (differs from one snake to another) Lower surface-uniform yellowish and/or brown spotted. 2. Checkered keelbac k ( Xenochrophis piscator) NON-VENOMOUS Found Near Amul  KEY IDENTIFICATION FEATURES: Black checkered markings...